How to register a nickname
Posted by Jeroen (aka Adonix) on 08 June 2010 01:57 AM

To register a nickname, you can follow the procedure below:

1. You need to be on the server with the nickname you wish to register. If this is not the case, you can change your nickname (/nick newnickname). Type the following command (including the /):

/msg nickserv register password emailaddress

Change password to a password of your choice, and change emailaddress to your e-mail address. This address needs to be a valid, because a confirmation mail will be sent there. Press enter to complete the registration request.

2.  If all went well, you will receive an e-mail with an authentication code. Copy that exact code to the chat, and your nickname will be registered and ready for use.

3. To logon with your newly registered nickname, type the following command (including the /):

/msg nickserv identify yourpassword

Change yourpassword to the password you entered during the registration process.

PS1: Do not forget to login at least once every 28 days to prevent your nickname from being dropped.
PS2: A more elaborate article can be found on the chat4all wiki:

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