First the rules for requesting a VHOST: - A vhost is set in the form of
- The ident can be either unset (allowing you to choose your own ident on connect), or a static one consisting of a maximum of 9 characters of which none may be special characters other than a dot ( . ).
- The hostname may not contain any special characters other than hyphens ( - ) and dot ( . ). And even though underscores ( _ ) are normally valid in a hostname, our services have problems accepting them as vhost; thus underscores are also not allowed.
- The hostname must exist of at least two parts, separated by a dot. For instance or
- The hostname may not be a valid, registered domain, unless you can submit proof you are the rightful owner of that domain.
We have this rule due to possible legal trademark issues. Verification shall occur by sending an e-mail from an e-mailaddress that is listed on a whois-lookup of the domain in question. Other ways of verification are open for discussion. - The host doesn't have to end in a valid Top Level Domain such as .net or .com, we even prefer if they don't!
- The vhost may not contain any incriminating words or be abusive towards others. So no vhost requests like you.all.are.idiots.
Since it is hard to check foreign terms for abusive content in a language we may not understand, we discourage the use of vhosts in languages other than Dutch, English, French or German. Requesting a VHost through HostServ:
1. You can only request a VHost when you have a registered nickname. If you have not done so yet, first proceed with "How to register a nickname". 2. Type the following command: /msg HostServ REQUEST
where you need to replace ident with the ident of your choice. The same applies to , which needs to be replaced with a hostname of your choice. For example: /msg HostServ REQUEST
ident@ can be left empty, in that case your current ident will be used for the request. 3. The VHost request will be validated by our IRCop team. Depending on when the request was submitted, it can take some time. When the request is accepted by our team, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with info about your VHost and the basic commands from HostServ. 4. To activate your VHost, you can type the following command: /msg HostServ ON
More information about VHosts can be found on the chat4all wiki: